Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Days 8 and 9 + Down on the Scale !


This past Saturday, thanks to friends, I discovered a whole-foods, plant based, mostly raw little restaurant/cafe close to one of the places I work! It's called "Earth's Healing Cafe," fitting right? I nearly passed out from excitement while looking at their menu- green smoothies, fresh juices, and raw entrees galore! I only ordered a smoothie during that first visit because they ended up not having the paticular entree that really caught my eye when I read their menu. I definitely plan on going back many times, however, and trying every. single. thing they have. Everysinglething.

Day 8

Breakfast- "Love and Light" Smoothie from Earth's Healing Cafe: chlorella, blueberries, dates, kale, spinach, coconut milk, cashew butter & banana

Lunch- Thai food from Roong Petch- Veggie Egg Rolls,  Green tea and the "Spicy Basil Noodle" dish.

I'm pretty sure there was gluten and added sugar in the sauce in this dish but it was the best I could do! I might have to put a hiatus on eating out until I complete these 6 weeks, I now my wallet would appreciate that...we'll see.

Dinner-Leftover "Spicy Basil Noodle"

Snacks: clementine orange, banana, 3/4 of a carton of strawberries

Day 9

Breakfast: "Fruit and Nut Chocolate Shake" 1.5 bananas, 1/2 avocado, 1/3 cup fresh strawberries, 1/4 cup raw almonds soaked over night, , 1 tbs cacao powder, 1 tbs flaxseed, 3/4 cup unsweetened soymilk, 1/2 cup water, 1tbs "Green Superfood" powder.

Thanks to that powder the smoothie tasted the way it looked :/. I've had the powder for months now and have yet to find a way to make it tasty!

Lunch: Gluten-free old-fashioned rolled oats with 1/2 cup soymilk, and a big handful of raisins!

Dinner: Hilary's "Adzuki Bean Burger,"  raw kale salad:  2 cups red kale (shredded), 1 roma tomato, 1/2 avocado, 1 tbs olive oil, 1/4 tsp sea salt, 1tbs lemon juice, a cup of red rooibos tea.
I think Hilary's is the best brand of vegan veggie buger I've come across so far! It's completely allergen free! The ingredients for this particular burger were: Water, millet, quinoa, adzuki beans, coconut oil, garlic, mild green chilies, onion, arrowroot, psyllium husk powder, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, cumin, sunflower seed oil, chili and chipotle powder, and lime juice.

Snacks:  peach-blueberry cobbler (vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free!), 1/2 banana, handful of cashews, "Banana Bread" Larabar, another banana
cobbler filling
Completely guilt free! The topping is made from gluten free rolled oats ground into "flour," 1/2 a banana, dates, and soy milk. The filling is made from organic blueberries, organic peaches, dates, buckwheat flour, and spices! Ok, ok, I put two pinches of stevia in the filling...but stevia is also guilt free lol.

Now some news about my weight! I got on the scale on Sunday and I've apparently lost 4 pounds since the last time I checked (a few weeks ago) !!! Yay!  I've been exercising pretty consistently for the past few weeks but it's mainly been for 20 minutes about 4 times a week so I think the weight loss has a little more to do with the change in my eating. Either way, I am very happy about it.


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