Monday, October 15, 2012

Paleo trial: Days 1-3

I am not a happy camper. Nope, nope, nope.

I would like to eat some pizza.... Yes, yes, yes.

A few minutes ago I'm pretty sure I could taste french bread on my tongue.

Strange things are happening over here: funny smelling pee on Days 1 and 2; a funky feeling tummy on Day 3; the consistent taste of, what I can only assume is, animal fat on my tongue (brushing extra hard to take care of that!).

On the bright side, I woke up yesterday and today not wanting to cry at the thought of strenuous activity. On the dark side again, my energy dipped and has not gone back up, and I am very cranky, and wanting sweet, doughy, fried food!

According to the people at Whole30, though, the first week of this program is supposed to feel pretty bad. And really what I'm feeling is not anywhere near as bad as what they said it could be. So...yay?

Anyway here is what I ate during  days 1,2, and 3:

Day 1
 Meal 1

2 boiled eggs w/ ½ cup bok choy and 1 red pepper sautéed in ghee with  a dash of seal salt and turmeric..
2 kiwis and 1 cup green tea w/ ¼ tsp honey
Half of a baked acorn squash with ghee and a bit of sea salt
 Meal 2

Green smoothie: 2 cups greens (chard and lactino kale), ½ avocado, 1 banana, handful of raw soaked almonds, 2 cups water to blend

5 kalamata olives
 Meal 3

Lamb stew (pastured lamb shoulder, yams, red onion, garlic, carrots, celery) over raw mustard greens and spring salad mix
5 dried apricots, 1 cashew cookie larabar (cashews and dates),
Chamomile tea

Day 2
Meal 1

3 fried eggs w/ boiled asparagus and a handful of olives (couldn’t eat the whole handful in one sitting b/c they were just too salty
Green tea with a ¼ tsp of raw honey
 Meal 2
1.5 cups of leftover lamb stew over 1.5 cups of spring salad greens . also some bits of a roast chicken from the church potluck
Several handfuls of raw cashews
Leftover olives from breakfast
Half of a baked acorn squash
Meal 3

Green smoothie made from:  2 big handfuls of spring salad mix, One handful mustard greens, 1 banana, about 8 red grapes, ½ an avocado, small handful of raw cashews, ¼ cup raw and soaked almonds, piece of ginger, and water to blend. This made approx. 3 cups of smoothie.
Meal 4

Spoon of coconut butter
2 "Harvest Spiced" drumsticks (I ate one straight out of the baking pan)
2 cups kale sautéed in ghee w/ garlic and sea salt 

Day 3
Warm water w/ lemon
Meal 1

3 boiled eggs
1 cup microwave-steamed bok choy
1 Fuji apple sautéed in ghee and cinnamon
Meal 2

1 banana
1.5 cups raw lettuce w/ ½ tsp extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper
½ an avocado
2 cups leftover lamb stew
Peppermint tea (no honey L)
 Meal 3

About 4 handfuls of raw cashews (waaay too many but I was so hungry when I got home I had to throw something in my mouth asap! only about 1 handful made it on the plate )
1 cup mixed “Mediterranean” veggies, steamed
Handful olives
1 "Harvest spiced" drumstick  

And I think I'm about to have a snack--banana w/ coconut butter..

Some things:
-I should not have had the honey in my tea on those first two days. But ::shrug:: I was good about that today and I will stick to the "no added sugar in any form" rule from now on.
-Green smoothies are not "technically" Paleo I guess or Whole30 approved...but mine are pretty high in fat and protein, I'm not having them in the morning so I'm not starting my day with a big sugar burst, and they have 2 cups of raw greens in them...I think all of those facts knock out their main arguments against smoothies.
-Snacking is not optimal (especially not the dried apricots and larabar I had on day 1). They suggest 3 meals a day (as big as you need them to be and 4 if you are really active) but if you do snack then it shoudl be a balanced protein-fat-carb snack (mostly protein). Since this is the first week though I think there is room for error. I have been having 4 meals + snacking!  Maybe I need to start making my meals bigger to avoid the snack attack urge or maybe my body will adjust eventually and the snacking urge will go away. I'll let ya know.

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